Sunday, April 21, 2019

Get your bib out Fetzer, you just got served!

Many thought it would eventually happen.

Fetzer finally gets sued....
It took long enough.

 Further in the AP story we see that Fetzer's been winning over the hearts and minds of whackjobs all over.

 Jim "Fake News" Fetzer was quick to come back with a statement that "they" would offer a vigorous defense. I say insanity is his best out. He didn't make the Encyclopedia of American Loons for rational thought...

Fetzer's modus operandi is simple: latch on to another person's theory or supposed evidence showing subterfuge and hit every available media outlet to belch forth his claims. Literally, belch without breathing for minutes, giving voice to his expertise. Fetzer is great at belching theory but falls short on science. And much like his fellow Incompetent Clown, Raff* Sink, it is a cold day in hell when he admits he's wrong about anything. The best I could ever get him to admit is that he would "check on" a much bloviated claim by him that Underwriters Laboratories certified the steel in the World Trade Center.But that is the method behind Fetzer's madness...if cornered, he claims that it is someone else that is wrong. Fetzer has had to drop several people like hot rocks over the years.
Now, the bio at the Loon site was written prior to Fetzer's latest quixotic attempts at being an expert. Since it was posted, Fetzer has jumped into the Boston Marathon Bombing was fake, the Holocaust is actually a Holohoax and Sandy Hook was a false flag FEMA drill, where no one died. 

I say insanity is his best out because he can so readily prove he's batchit crazy. Just type Fetzer in to Youtube and you can find him blaming the inferno in Waco on Hillary, because attention was being diverted away from her attempts at health care legislation.

Some time ago, in the not too distant past, Jim Fetzer crossed paths with Jim Tracy, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, and Wolfgang Halbig, a failed school security expert (or some such crap). Together, they pushed the "No One Dies at Sandy Hook meme" across the net and eventually into book form. 

When I heard of the lawsuit against Fetzer, I decided to dive back into history and get current on the subject. Naturally, the first thing to do is to hit Google and search "Fetzer Sandy Hook". One of the first things to pop up was a Bitchute vid being promoted by Fetzer. Fetzer appeared on the Brian Ruhe channel on YouTube and apparently, the video was removed by YouTube. Of course, Fetzer doesn't seem cognizant of the fact that someone might remove a vid on their own channel just to create the impression that someone is being censored. People in Fetzer's world are not the most exemplary in their actions. (The names Ralph Cinque and Judyth Baker come to mind.)

Here is the link to Fetzer's Bitchute vid...

In the vid, Fetzer covers updates on Tracy and Halbig and then dives into the evidence presented in the book he edited. That last thing is a big thing to Fetzer. So much so that he bitched for days over the AP story at the top of this post, about his being sued, where the reporter printed "fake news" according to Fetzer, when he claimed that Fetzer was the author of the book No One Died at Sandy Hook, and not the editor. Of course Fetzer fails to mention that he is the author of certain sections. In fact, the lawsuits flying over Sandy Hook has even the most hardened conspiracy crackpots running scared. So scared that even Gordon Duff covers his ass at Veterans Today by posting the following disclaimer....

 How sweet of Gordo to empathize with shooting victims. Maybe he can start empathizing with Da Jooooos shot by the Nazis. Don't hold your breath on that one.

 Now, in the video linked above, Fetzer goes over his undebunkable (except by a plethora of individuals all across the web) evidence that the shooting at Sandy Hook was a hoax. Undebunkable evidence such as this...
Excerpt from No One Died at Sandy Hook discussed in the video

Now it took all of 3 minutes to find this....

You can go to the link above and download this...

And this.....

And this is the part that really gets me. For years, Fetzer has blamed the FBI for bungling everything they've investigated from JFK to 9/11 to you name it. But in this instance, the FBI is an irrefutable source for data for the simple reason that it fits Fetzer's needs. No other reason. And there are people out there that suck this crap up like manna. 

Here is another example of complete bullshit in Fetzer's vid. He brings up the fact that some idiot in Pakistan lifted a copy of Noah Pozner's picture and placed on their propaganda claiming that the kid in the picture is a victim of  an attack on the Army School in Peshawar Pakistan. Here's a few examples.....

Now Fetzer claims the kid is alive. No wait...he never wait....

Need I remind anyone that has done research into the underhanded tactics of the Palestinians and the Muhammed al-Duria affair that the propaganda value of bullshit can be enormous.

For more on the subject... Pallywood: An Introduction

(Editor's note: The constant smearing of Da Joooos by Fetzer and his online box of wingnuts are a topic for another day, but it seems to be a constant theme in most conspiracy theories and damn near every one of Fetzer's.)

Since I started to compose this post, the wheels of justice have been grinding along. Fetzer is representing himself, but I think, based on the progress of the case through the system, he's relying on the publishing company's lawyers to provide some cover.

So far, things aren't going well for Fetzer as he's had to answer several motions and had several of his own denied.

You can keep up with the schedule for this 3 ring circus here:

They have a court date.....

Let's crank up the popcorn maker and sit back and watch......

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