Sunday, August 28, 2016

Raff* Widens The Conspiracy

According to Raff* Sink, the famous Babushka Lady was a part of the plan...

Jackie, as Raff* so fondly refers, was a person from a northern climate, wearing a wool suit sitting in a car, with dark leather interior, in the direct sun. The fact is, Dealey Plaza (as well as the entire parade route), was full of people wearing coats, hats and scarves. The day started off cool and rainy, and remained breezy. There were people without coats and in short sleeves. But it was nothing out of the ordinary to see Babushka Lady dressed in the manner seen above.

Raff* has issues.....

Raff* the Photo Editor

Raff* the idiot thinks he knows everything. After being proved wrong about the Moorman photo, he decided he's gonna show me!

He's soooooo stupid.....

Saturday, August 27, 2016

You Can't Make This Sh*t Up

Raff* really doesn't know when to quit....

You posted 4 blogs Raff* that explained nothing. You proved nothing except he fact that you don't understand that you can't tell if anything is going down hill unless you establish a reference for what is actually straight up and down. You can't prove mathematically that you're correct because you're too stupid to do the math.

You posted a photo that was not level. I leveled it. Now the corner of the wall and structure are straight up and down, just like in real life. That's how you determine if the car is going up hill or down hill, you idiot.

 You're right Raff* tilting the photo demonstrates your stupidity in spades.

How can you tell if she's holding her camera level Raff* if you can't see any edge of her camera clearly? You do it by looking at the photo she took, you nimrod.

And in your photo above, Zapruder wasn't holding his camera level either. That's been told to you as well.

But here's the kicker.....Why are you relying on Zapruder when just 5 hours ago, you posted this....

You really are an idiot Raff*

Raff confirms his stupidity

You can tell when Raff*'s about to lose it. I imagine his attitude is about where it was when he got fired by C. Carson, his wife left his ass and he was on his way to check into the local looney bin.

Raff* has gone on a multi-post rant and still can't produce one bit of mathematics to back up either his or the Fizzicist* Serg*'s claims.

Instead, we get bat shit rants about interstate crime and big pictures.

Well let's look at a couple of pictures...

 That's right Raff*. I tilted the picture to put the vertical things vertical and to show that Moorman's camera wasn't level when the picture was taken.

But Raff* wants to use his own photo....OK by me!

Just one problem....his photo isn't correct either. Let's make the vertical things vertical....

There you go Raff*.

You're right Raff* If you would spend more time learning about photography, physics or trigonometry, instead of running your mouth about thing you know nothing about, you wouldn't look like such an idiot.

Suck it up, buttercup.

They Don't Make Them Any More Stupid....we checked....

Raff* Sink...Asshat extraordinaire
This is one of Raff*'s latest rants....

Raff* stole one of my photos and decided to add his expert comments. The upper comment only states the obvious, that Mary Moorman missed centering the limo in her lens. The orange dot shows where Moorman's lens was pointed. Early model Polaroid cameras had a mechanical shutter. There is a delay between pushing the button and the picture being taken. Mary Moorman could have very well had the limo centered in her viewfinder, but the delay between pushing the button and the picture being taken could have been enough to allow the limo to move further down the street....further down hill. That's the key.

The lower comment is our focus....

Raff* shows his ignorance by thinking the slope of the bottom of the car body is relative to the bottom of the printed picture based on the person taking the picture being perpendicular to the car. .

It isn't.

Raff* bases his claim on still shots from the Zapruder film like this one. (For the sake of rebuttal, we will assume Raff*'s correct).

Raff is insistent that Mary Moorman was standing perpendicular to the limo based on the photo above. He refuses to produce the math to prove it. He'll be quick to throw up some sketches from one of his starvation farm clients, the famous Fizzicist* Serg*. (Serg* was a guest trying to starve a mole off his face, who bonded great with Raff*, until Raff* tried to put the move on him by tossin" the movie Deliverence in the DVD player and waiting for the "purty mouth" scene".Let us just say that Raff*'s lust remained unrequited.)

Here's the Fizzicist*'s rendering....

In "physics display".....Raff* is an idiot.

Serg*'s little diagram doesn't reflect what was taking place in the Moorman photo. His diagram is based on the relationship between a hypothetical person standing at the same elevation as a particular point along the bottom line of his boxed object (we can only assume he means the bottom trim of the car body).



Let's dumb things down for Raff*. Let's use simple trigonometry to show the effect of a 3 degree slope and how it will affect an object.

Pay attention Raff*.....

Get your calculator out Raff* and let's determine the effect of a 3 degree slope.

Punch in 3 then find the tangent button and punch it. The tangent function describes the relation ship between the side opposite and adjacent to the 3 degree angle.

The tangent of a 3 degree angle is 0.052407779. This relationship is the same regardless of the length of the adjacent side.

So Raff* will understand, I'll explain it like this.....

And if we take Mary Moorman's photo and level things up, we see the front of the car is lower than the rear.

Quit while you're behind Raff*....

Sunday, August 21, 2016

False's what they do.

Raff* Sink, founder of Oswald's Incompetent Clowns, relies on lies.....

Lovelady was not one of them.

Really? No....Lovelady clearly claimed to be in the Altgens 6 photo. During his testimony, he clearly identified himself in the Altgens photo, indicated where he was in the photo and described his position in the photo.

Next, Raff* claims the following:

We're still waiting for Raff* to produce one witness that claimed to have seen Oswald in the doorway of the TSBD at the time of the shooting but was intimidated by the F.B.I.

In fact we will see in a moment where someone did testify before the Commission and claimed that oswald was captured in Altgens....

I blew that claim out of the water not long ago when I showed how incompetent Jim Marrs  is....

The Warren Commission published the testimony of Oswald's own mother and entered into evidence a copy of Altgens 6 that she brought.

So you see, Raff* Sink cannot function in the JFK world without relying on lies and fantasist ramblings.
It's what he does....

Saturday, August 20, 2016

So Which Is It Raff*?

It's time for Raff* to eat a few words.....

Raff* has just recently posted this online....

Wait a minute Raff*.....remember all these rants in the past?

So let me get this called it plaid and then you said that was a mistake. Now you say it's practically plaid....

But what about this...

So now it's "practically plaid" but then it was not plaid at all.

But what about this.....

Apparently, what you say isn't true Raff*.

Either that, or you have Alzheimer's and a boomerang up your ass causing you to circle the drain with no memory of what you've said before.

I put my money on liar....

Thursday, August 11, 2016

More Bullshit From Another Photo "Expert"

What is it with Raff* Sink and his associates that make them think they know anything about photos?

Here's another example of bullshit...

Well proprietary as it may be, we're going to take a look at your method of photo manipulation to achieve a predetermined goal.

Let's start with the claims in the narrative. Chana worked for Micrografx. .....and?

(Little back ground on Micrografx. It was bought by Corel, the maker of Paintshop Pro)

Now, she says she learned all of these techniques immediately after stating where she worked. Key word worked.

Raff* posted Chana's resume on his site so let's see the particulars....

Hmmmmm...there's that Micrografx reference. Chana worked on instruction manuals 23 years ago.

So much for expert.... now let's look at this ground breaking video...

Chana is showing a composite of Billy Lovelady on your left and Ozzy on your right. It appears that Chana is using Paintshop Pro software. With Painshop, you can copy a photo and use it as a separate layer. You can manipulate the opacity of each layer separately. This is how Larry Rivera did his famous Oswald overlay.

Notice in the photo above 4 things:
1. Lovelady's recessed hairline above his right temple.
2. Oswald's hairline across his forehead & above his right temple.
3. Lovelady's famous reverse widow's peak.
4. Oswald's exposed forehead back to where he parts his hair above his left temple.

Those areas will be our focus shortly...

Chana goes on with her video...
Below, she has taken a copy of the original and created a new layer and laid it over the original. But notice that the copy of Lovelady on your right has been significantly narrowed. Notice the face is longer. Notice also that on the right, the area of Lovelady's left forehead. It has narrowed and is taller than in the photo on your left. Do you also see those little boxes around the photo? they allow you to click and hold on that box and drag that corner or side in any direction. You can skew the photo. Chana states in her video that she angled the photo as if Lovelady "had two ears". Frankly, that's bullshit. The only way anyone could possibly do that is to rotate the subject in the photo. Skewing the photo in a direction does not rotate the subject in the photo. It only alters the dimensions of the plane of the original photo. If it were a 3 dimensional photo it would be possible. The photos Chana is using are two dimensional.

As an aside, Chana's manipulation of the photo just shot down Raff*'s "perfect V t-shirt neck".

In the photo above, Chana continues to describe how she can adjust the opacity of the photos and she says she's working with the layer on the right at 70%.
In the photo below, she has adjusted the layer to a low level and you see Oswald's image with a faint trace of the narrowed Lovelady. The give away is the dark shadow to your left of Oswald's neck. That is actually the shadowed neck of Lovelady in the second photo down.  The bright white mark on your right, of Oswald's neck, in the photo below, is the white shirt of the man behind Lovelady in the lower photo. Compare various points in the lower photo to the one just below. Take a moment to really look.

Chana, the Micrografx instruction book expert, has narrowed Lovelady's head so that his left forehead area would fit in the area where Oswald parts his hair. You can see Oswalds hair line clearly in the photo above.

This is just a rerun of Larry Rivera's manipulate it until it's close enough to fade away.

If you have any doubt about the amount of alteration that Chana, the instruction book expert, applied, just look at her two Oswalds below....

Let's sit back with a double shot of Goose and watch the lemmings skitter by.....