Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Only Lie That Matters

This is Judyth Very Faker....

"This is where Lee and I made snow angels that summer. We did our arms like this..."

Judyth Very Faker claims to be an adulteress that had an affair with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans, during the late spring and summer of 1963.

She has courted controversy since coming out with her story in the late 1990's.  Her claims were met with criticism from researchers based on contradictions between her story and what was known at the time. Judyth floated a couple of manuscripts and finally had a book or two published, only to have them pulled.

Judyth has always had an excuse for every contradiction thrown her way. Either someone misquoted  her, misunderstood her or was using an old copy of something that was stolen and altered. 

Judyth has a convenient answer for everything and everyone. Unless you get to the very bedrock of her allegations. You can argue until the cows come home about cancer plots and who was zoomin' who, so let's cut the crap and look at the very claim that it all hinges upon....

Judyth Very Faker claims that she met Lee Harvey Oswald in a New Orleans, La. Post Office, on April 26, 1963.

In 2004, John Simkin at the Education Forum, posted a bio blurb about Judyth Very Faker. Judyth decided to correct some of the things that John supposedly had wrong. John allowed her the opportunity. You can find the entire thread here: 

A couple of Judyth's disciples showed up to air their concerns and Judyth was asked some very simple, direct questions. Here is her reply to John Simkin's question....

Simple question, straightforward answer. 4/26/63 at about 1 p.m.

Fast forward to 2010, just before the release of Judyth's newest rewrite of her autobiography, Me & Lee.

James Fetzer decided to run a post at the Education Forum, about Judyth and her miserable existence. Jim is posting for Judyth who has to contend with bad internet service, a computer with a Hungarian keyboard, near blindness, and other effects from 2.3 concussions. On page 45 of 200+, Judyth is responding to the comments of David Lifton, who said that he didn't believe Judyth's story because of her comments about how Lee Oswald was dressed when she met him in the Post Office, that day in April. 

Here's the Reader's Digest version of Lifton v Faker. For years, Judyth stood by her claim of meeting Oswald in the afternoon. Judyth originally described Oswald as being dressed shabbily, like coming from work  Lifton comes along and makes reference to a report from the Employment Office that describes Oswald in a shirt and tie. He calls bullshit...

Judyth completely reinvents her meeting with Oswald.

I'm not going to go into detail about the myriad of inconsistencies, found by other researchers in Judyth's varied versions of her story in the first 44 pages, you can wade through that mess on your own. 

I want to focus on the main issue, her meeting Ozzy for the first time.

You can find it here:

Here is an excerpt....

There is a huge difference between 1:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.

She can't even get the time right that she met her "soulmate".

I call bullshit.....

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Judyth Very Faker's Shell Game Part 2

Is Judyth Very Faker actually living in Fayetteville, NC?

Here's why I ask....
Judyth Very Faker just posted this on Facecrook ....

 I did a quick address search and found this....

 The mailing address for this non-profit changed according to the NC Secretary of State Corporations Website.

So I kept looking and found this...

 Josiah Baker, Judyth Very Faker's son.

But get this...since 2014, Baker has been an official with the Economic Sustainability Foundation in Florida..

Here's the link....

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can click on the latest filings with the State of Florida.

Funny thing though, Baker is gone a lot, with all of his connections to several Universities and such and has used absentee ballots since voting in person in 2014.

Which makes me ask....who is cashing checks in Fayetteville, North Carolina?

My guess would be Judyth Very Faker.

Because JFK Conferences LLC is in Wyoming....

And Judyth swore that the address in Wyoming is where you mail stuff....

 You might notice in the filings section that she was a little late with her taxes...jus' sayin'...

Now riddle me this Raff*.....why would Judyth Very Faker want you to send her money, for a JFK Conferences, LLC event, to a company with a mailing address in Sweden but being a Florida registered company, in which her son is the Managing Director, when she has her own corporate mailing address in Wyoming, with it's own corporate representatives?

Judyth Very Faker's Shell Game

The Queen of the Weaver Clan goes corporate! Judyth Very Faker has announced her next tapestry convention on Facecrook...

A quick trip to her website shows us two important things.

The first being, Judyth Very Faker is doing quite well....despite all the complaints about "Not wanting to do this for the money" and pleading poverty for the last lifetime. Ignore all those "Donate to help Judyth with her heating bills" pleas. She's a Limited Liability Corporation now.....

If you scroll down the page, you reach her sponsors....

Support the people that support Judyth Very Faker's attempts to capitalize on a pay stub and a dream.

OK...You can't click on the logo shown for any one of the sponsors so we have to hit the interweb (apologies to W)...We start with Afformitech Inc.

The first thing I go to is the link for the index of images thinking that Afformitech might be located in Bombay and is a member of the Bombay Chamber....

Click on the link and sure enough you see this logo...

So I backed off the index part of the web address and get to the actual Bombay Chamber website. But when I do a search for Afformitech, I get this...

So I go back to the search results and start at the top...

Wow, what a coinky dink...the 885 Capitalist Group (Judyth Very Faker's second listed sponsor) testimonial is in line just before Afformitech's. Let's click on Afformitech's entry... Except that, if you'll notice, the next testimonial is from Teach Wake. Judyth Very Faker's third listed sponsor. The prior one is from Advidual design, her fourth listed sponsor.

So...out of curiosity we go back and click on Judyth Very Faker's other sponsor...

Obviously written by Judyth's friend and Latin Expert, David Ferrie. Let's open a quick second window and check on 885 Capitalist Group.

More bullshit...

I then went back to the original search and clicked on the link for Thavern and get this page...

You scroll down and see people, but don't click on any of the links because they're not links...

Keep scrolling and you get this....

Look familiar?

Thavern has never heard of Afformitech...

All of Judyth's sponsors are on this fake web site. If you go up to the top of the page, on the right there is a drop down arrow for pages. On there is a link that takes you to a page with this at the bottom...

Amax . com.....

Ok, let's search for an amax . com...

Not the same company. Notice the swoosh to the left of the Amax logo. that's not on the Thavern site.
Interestingly enough, Amax has this at the bottom of their web site....

Is Judyth's Amax the ones mailing out bogus paychecks?

Let's go back to the Thavern page and search the phone number...

First up...

Second link is for OlevMedia...see above...

Check out the web address in the photo above. One big circle jerk....

So, I ask you.....who is sponsoring Judyth?
Are we soon to hear that this is a mistake and just filler until the site is finished?
Did someone already hack her site?
You can bet your ass her Paypal service is working...

Friday, March 10, 2017

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Judy's Emanicpation Proclamation

In this blog, I'm going to discuss an event in Judyth Very Faker's life that I haven't seen discussed. Not saying it hasn't been the topic of debate, I just haven't run across a discussion of this issue, specifically.

So let it be "writ"en, so let it be done....
Judy has claimed that she was granted emancipation from her parents by a college Dean. This caught my attention simply because of the absurdity of what she says took place and the total disregard for the law and process concerning a minor's emancipation.

First, let's let Judy describe what happened.

This is from her official biography.....

Wow, what a great lady that Marian Brady was. In helping Judyth with her super secret, late date, "technically illegal" arrival, it seems that Marian Brady really stuck her neck out. For the record, the Dean of Women at UF was named Marna Brady, but what's a typo among friends, right?

Judyth Very Faker claims she was a dead ringer for Marina Oswald
 Judyth tells a riveting story. With the help of well connected people, she was able to secretly enroll in college "technically illegally". Judyth is Queen of the Weaver Clan. Let's look at a few vital threads holding her story together.

Judyth was able to get a "writ of emancipation" with Dean Brady's help. She doesn't explain how she obtained this "writ" or provide evidence of the "writ". That might be because there's no such thing.

Minors have the ability to petition the court for emancipation, and when ordered by a court, results in the minor being declared independent of the guardian whether it be parents, or foster parents, etc.

If Judyth obtained emancipation there would be a record with the court of Florida. but let's not rely on Judyth's official biography. Let's do what everyone is is instructed to do when you either question Judyth or confront her.

First things first...Deans don't write "writs" that make the cops and judges go away. If a judge issued a warrant for the cops to pick up a run away, holed up at a University in 1962, it would have been news. The cops would have taken Judyth into custody and they would have gone to see the judge. Plain and simple. If there was emancipation involved, it would have required a hearing in front of a judge and if the judge deemed the minor was able to support his/her self, and it was in the best interests of the minor, an Order of Emancipation would have been issued by the Court and it would be on file.

Secondly, if Judyth had been given grants to cover her education, room and board at the University, her father would not have been able seize anything. In fact, having grants to cover all of her costs at school would have been used in her favor, in any court hearing.

Now let's look at the vital threads, upon which the threads above were based. Judyth's super secret, late admission to the University of Florida.

Again, we refer to The Damn Book.....

The statements underlined in red are out and out fabrications.

Let's refer to another damn book....

The following pages show the schedule of the University of Florida for the years 1961-1962

Classes began on February 12, 1962.
The drop-add date for the Spring Semester was February 17, 1962.

Judyth claimed that in late January 1962, classes had been going on for weeks and in February, she was five weeks behind.

I call Bullshit....

Yup...dead ringer all right.