Monday, July 31, 2017

I Think I Pissed Off Raff*

Bring it on Raff*. I can't wait to embarrass you in court in front of everyone. Also bring cash so you can finally settle the bets you've lost. You're a washed up imbecile that needs to be taught a lesson. I will be happy to oblige.

But back to your idiotic rants....

Really Raff*? That's all you got? You've actually shown the two faces are the same....

You really should hang it up Raff* I guess this shows just how stupid Jerome "Birther Boy" Corsi is for considering you an expert. Birther Boy and Buda Boy...a match made in heaven. Have you asked him to watch Deliverance with you yet?

Oh and about this.....


You always do the thing you accuse others of doing Raff*. That's called projecting. But you're too stupid to understand the concept.

Tell you what Raff*, why don't you get your butt buddy Corsi and his boss Alex to attend the day we see each other in court. Tell Alex to bring the pizza, Dick Hooke is dying to get a slice of Mr. Jones.....

Sunday, July 30, 2017

I Used To Think He Was Paid Disinfo

Now I realize that he's just an egotistical idiot. There's no other way to say it. Except....Raff* Sink is one stupid son-of-a-bitch.

Raff* has been making stupid declarations all his life. Here is a perfect example....

Apparently, Raff* has witnessed every single abdominal gunshot that has ever happened in the world. Every single one. Now, you may say there's no way he has done so but think about it....would an educated man with any level of intelligence make such a statement? But even worse is the second part of that statement..."and Oswald didn't do it". The simple fact is, he did. It was captured on film. No better proof.

Another example would be when he says that Mary Moorman didn't take her famous photo because no one would ever, has ever, did ever take a picture of the President after he had passed their position, resulting in a picture taken from behind the President. Then he immediately follows that up with the statement that the Babushka Lady did that exact thing.

But enough about Raff*'s debunked Moorman claim.

His latest tirade involves Oswald reacting to being gutshot and the photo of that happening....

Yes Raff* is really that stupid. He's a flaming dolt. Raff* doesn't realize that the hand position Oswald exhibits in the Jackson photo is very close to the position of the thumb and fingers when using sign language to make the letter A. Not only that, there have actually been articles written about the hand position.

And to top it all off, Julia Louis-Dreyfus actually jokes about it being called the "thist".

I just call it a hand....

But Raff*'s stupidity doesn't stop at the forefinger, nope it goes all the way to the wrist...

The problem with Raff*'s limited intelligence is that no one has ever claimed that Oswald's wrist "meanders".
Have you noticed that Raff* always crops the photos he's dealing with? He's too stupid to realize that anyone can do a quick Google search for a copy of Jackson's famous photo....

Anyone with common sense can see that Oswald's sweater has been pushed up by his clamping his arm to his chest, resulting in the sweater puffing up over his wrist and hand. The key phrase there is "anyone with common sense". Raff* is as stupid as a bag of hammers.

Notice anything else about that photo crop? Raff*'s claim that Jack Ruby had a clean shaven neck and razor edge to his hairline is bogus. You can see the uneven curl to Ruby's hair above his collar.

Like here....

Here's another example of Raff* being dumber than a doorknob....

So there you have it. Irrefutable proof that Raff* is too stupid to be paid for the idiotic claims he makes.

I'll leave you with the latest from the Buda drama queen...

No one would waste the cost of a wad cutter on you Raff*, let alone a bullet. Killing the stupid because they were stupid went out of fashion with the Nazis......

Monday, July 24, 2017

Back and Well Rested

Glacier National Park

 Well, I'm back from two weeks in Montana. Several years ago, when my parents passed on, I took my inheritance and invested in several ventures. 
One of which was a 1,000 head cattle ranch in Idaho.

After checking on things and 4 days of paperwork, it was off to hike and fly fish.
I recommend it to everyone. ........The fly fishing not the cattle ranching.
Shit kickin' is the same whether it's in Buda or Boise.

And for my readers, from one head of the herd....
I offer another Head of the Herd....

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Classic Fetzering

Raff*'s latest....

The problem for Raff* is, an 8th grade math student is by far more educated the he.
Let's see how....

The angles of Moorman and Muchmore, in relation to the center line of the limo are in no way, the same.

Proof of that is shown in Raff*'s own post....

Raff* is an idiot. He employs classic Fetzering in that, he describes a situation and provides a photo showing that what he claims, isn't true.

Another example...

Jack White was made a Senior Member of the OIC after his death, with no say so in the matter.
Jack White was on the subject from the start. This is his photo....

Jack White proves Raff* Sink is a Fetzering asshat....

As Posner would say...Case Closed.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Senility or Stupidity? You be the judge...

Often times, when JFK researchers and the Assassination curious try to discuss things, they end up either talking past each other or one side of the conversation starts to spiral off into oblivion. I'm not sure whether senility or stupidity is the cause but I will give you an example of one such occurrence.

Anyone who has visited this blog knows that Raff* Sink, founder and Senior Member of the OIC (Oswald's Incompetent Clowns) is famous for making absurd claims concerning every aspect of the JFK Assassination. During a recent thread, a newcomer to McAdams forum was enticed by Raff* and ended up agreeing with him that Mary Moorman didn't take her famous Polaroid photo of the limo, right after the headshot that killed him. I then, started a thread to congratulate the newbie for insinuating that Moorman lied about taking her photo. Raff* joined in.

Raff* posted a link to his blog contained in this post...

I addressed Raff*'s ridiculous explanation here:

Raff* has shown repeatedly that he has no ability to determine perspective when it comes to photographs. None. This blog is full of examples where he gets it wrong time after time. Let's look at his blog post.

So far, so good. Raff* admits that there are two motorcycles in the picture. But he quickly veers off course...

I'm not quite sure what his one line is supposed to signify so let's let him continue....

Raff* shows his lack of interpretive skills right off the bat. He's claiming that a line from an object above the rear fender to the front tire shouldn't be diagonal. Common sense would tell you that a straight line between two objects at different elevations would end up being diagonal in relationship to a level plane.

Here is the diagram from the Harley Davidson Service Manual that shows what I'm talking about.

The rear fender of the 1963 Duo Glide is higher off the ground than the front fender. Add to that, the fact that the Dallas PD motorcycles shown in Moorman's Polaroid, are traveling down hill on a sloped road surface.

None of that makes any sense to Raff*. Now in his description, he made reference to the "tool box" on the rear of the motorcycle. This is where the entire conversation ricochets into incoherence-land.

I posted the following reply to Raff*....

Enter Anthony Marsh...famed hunter of Nazi's and kooks within the pages of McAdams forum. Anthony never saw a post he didn't like, or feel was incomplete without his comments. Even if his comments are only for the purpose of 1.) Inserting into the conversation that he found a letter written by Judyth Very Faker in the JFK Archives or 2.) Inserting some smart ass remark for no other purpose than to insert a smart ass remark.

Immediately, we get a smart ass remark. The Moorman photo is a Polaroid. There are no sprocket holes. Marsh knows this, but is trying to be funny by alluding to his claim that he proved the Zapruder film is authentic, because images were captured in the area between the sprocket holes.

But Marsh goes further and shows his stupidity. He claims the radio on the DPD motorcycle is located between the handlebars. It's not. Here is his photo linked to in his post...

I responded....

Marsh's reply....

This made no sense to me because I wasn't discussing anyone's work. I simply linked to to websites that showed the radio, the external speaker and described the location of the radio. Marsh has already lost his train of thought as evidenced by his question, "Do YOU have a point?". Yes I had a point, to show that Marsh as usual, didn't know what in the hell he was talking about.

Another poster chimes in....

And Marsh replies...

And then I respond to Marsh....

If Marsh had actually gone to the links I posted, he would have seen this....

If you'll notice in the photo above, there is a photo of the rear of the motorcycle. This is that photo....

The photo above shows the radio on the rear of the motorcycle, with the black weather proof cover off and slid towards the seat. The external speaker is mounted between the handlebars.

The second link I provided showed this....

Click for larger view
Here are some photos showing the radio location on the actual motorcycles in the motorcade...

The photo below was taken during the secret Service reenactment of the assassination....

But as we will see, Marsh was oblivious to all of this. He never looked at what I posted and continued to post....

Marsh thinks that the entire radio is contained in the external speaker box.

Another poster chimes in...

Then I replied to Marsh...

Marsh replies back to me...

First point...I never smeared anyone at Keg Island. The guy that has that web site believes there were 3 shooters in Dealey Plaza and they fired 8 shots. I couldn't care less. I simply referred to his photo of the radio and external speaker. Second point, I never said anything about a web page where Marsh got his photo of the external speaker. Marsh is spiraling off.

Then Marsh responds to the other poster with this diatribe....

The post continues but is irrelevant. Here are the photos that Marsh linked to...

Both photos show the external speaker but not the radio.
I responded to Marsh's prior reply to me....

And then I responded to Marsh's reply to the other poster and reminded him that he still hasn't shown a picture of the radio, just the external speaker..

Of course, Raff* seeing his name in Marsh's post caused him to reply and he totally ignored the fact that he got the "tool box" wrong. Raff* can't pass up an opportunity to show his stupidity on any subject...

Raff* likes his drama.

This is the final response from Marsh...

I provided two links containing the photos and information I showed you above.

So you tell me....why would Anthony Marsh state that I don't upload photos or documents...that I don't prove?

Is it senility or stupidity?