Thursday, January 30, 2020

Has Fetzering Become A Social Disease?

Fetzer infects his latest acolyte......

(Actually this is a story of heartbreak...mine.) 

Meet Rebecca Carnes.....

Rebecca Carnes on Facebook
 Ms. Carnes may be familiar to some of you. I thought I recognized her when I saw a crop of a video interview located in the results of a Google search I did, after doing a search for articles in 2020 by Jim Fetzer on the Sandy Hook Shootings. (I was curious to see if Fetzer was violating an injunction placed upon him by the court, after losing his defamation case with Leonard Pozner). I went to read the article and when finished, I clicked on the link to her blog at the bottom of the article, on Jim Fetzer's blog. I found out I did recognize her. Ms. Carnes' online blog is found here, LINK: Newtown Rooster: News & Commentary 

Newtown Rooster Home Page

 I went through Ms. Carnes blog and liked what I read. She's an excellent author. Her blogs are on point and make for an enjoyable read. I would recommend her blog if you're interested in keeping up with news in the Newtown community. But, I wondered, how this person could be the author of the article on Fetzer's blog. It didn't make sense. Especially when I saw this post on her blog.....and my mind raced back to that moment....

The image above hit me like a tons of bricks because last fall, in the course of just over a minute, I realized that if divorce wasn't so expensive, I had just met my next ex-wife. There is such a thing as love at first sight...

October 30, 2019......

She stole my heart! A woman that was not afraid to stand up, in a very public venue and call bullshit on some, scumbag liberal, progressive asshat! Her outburst went viral. Nationwide, people were both excited and proud that finally, someone handed truth to power in calling out the likes of Beto O'Rourke. Which made it all the more difficult to understand how this paragon of non-PC truthspeak could become infected by the insidious nature of Uncle Fetzer (we'll get to the connection soon).

In the past couple of days, I did a little background check into Ms. Carnes to see if I could figure out how in the hell she ever got connected to Fetzer. I found out that prior to her coming down with Fetzering, she had gone through another massive transformation. That being she was at one time, a repeated Democrat voter that went through a transformation of unknown origin. Unfortunately, I also found out that she's apparently happily married but I guess that means I can save on divorce attorneys later.

Ms. Carnes has a Youtube channel where she explains her former Democrat leanings as she opens her Trump-bling after making a donation to the Trump campaign.

Now, my mindset was is an attractive, intelligent, articulate, confident woman that seems to be well adjusted and happy with her lot in life. She explains that she has experienced some blowback after putting Beto in his place, that you can see in this interview with Mike Sennello, linked ...

Back to the other day...... I was involved in a search for the latest bloviations from Jim Fetzer regarding The Sandy Hook Shooting and ran across this article on his blog....

 Great, I thought...another attempt by a Fetzer Acolyte to make the claim that photo chicanery was taking place. It was Larry Rivera all over again. Keep in mind that Fetzer just got his ass whacked to the tune of over $450,00 for damages and fees, not counting the $7,000 he had to pay for being found in contempt for sending confidential information, including photos, from a deposition of Leonard Pozner to his cohorts because he was trying to prove his claim, that Leonard Pozner wasn't Leonard Pozner. (You can't make this stuff up).

Anyway...back to the article. Ms. Carnes goes on to say that she went to the library and looked at the Senior Yearbook for Adam Lanza's brother, Ryan....

Ok....this was the first indication to me that Ms. Carnes was about to make a huge mistake. She's relying on a Daily Mail UK article that says, Adam Lanza was a Freshman in 2007. You would think that someone with the background of a reporter or journalist would check some reported facts before just assuming a few things. Adam Lanza started his Freshman Year of High School (9th Grade) in the Fall of 2006.

Here's the facts that the Daily Mail UK got wrong. Adam Lanza was a member of the Tech Club in 2007, but not as a Freshman. He joined the Tech Club in his Sophomore Year of High School which started in the Fall of 2007. The top photo of the Tech Club with Adam Lanza is from the 2008 Yearbook.
Another huge mistake made by Ms. Carnes....Adam Lanza attended Newtown High School on and off through the year 2008 and graduated in 2009. Adam  Lanza's mental condition deteriorated significantly during his Middle School years. He was placed in a Home Bound Status which is different from being Home Schooled. How do I know all of this detail? Simple.....

The State of Connecticut Child Advocate Office produced a detail report....

In that report we find the following.....

Again, from the report.....

The report linked above provides a detailed insight into Adam Lanza's condition and the abject failure of the School System to follow up with implementing a mandated Individual Education Plan for someone in Adam Lanza's situation. Adam's inconsistent attendance at school and crappy reporting resulted in many people having their facts wrong.

Back to the article.....

 If you read the Child Advocate Report, you'll see that Adam wasn't at school often in his Freshman year.

The kid had issues.  Back to Ms. Carnes' article....

Again, Ms. Carnes relies on reports that are wrong.

Strangely enough, I was able to go online and find the following photos showing that Adam Lanza was in the not photographed lists in both the 2008 & 2009 Newtown Yearbooks which would be his 10th and 11th years of school.


And now, Ms. Carnes ties it all together.....

Well, there you have it. In the style of Larry Rivera, Raff* Sink, and all the other idiots that Jim Fetzer has employed to make mountains of insurmountable bullshit.....
You can read the entire article here:

I leave you with a broken heart. The woman of my dreams has succumbed to this.......

1 comment:

  1. This was great!!! You should copyright your expression "my next ex-wife." The video footage of the ballsy Rebecca shaming Beto was classic. The best moment was when she said, "C'mon, bring it on!" while gesturing like a baseball pitcher egging on a batter to charge the mound and fight him. That video should receive an Emmy for reality tv. I was laughing harder than Don Lemon.
