It's sad when your portfolio starts out with a booking photo.. |
Well, she's been a busy lady the past month. Ms. Carnes was arrested right before the end of January for complaining about the 5G Smart Meter that Eversource Electric Utility attached to her house. You can read about that here:
If you keep up with F.A.R.T., then you'll know that I was wondering as to how someone that seemed pretty rational when she took on Beto the Bullshitter, could end up becoming the flavor-of-the-month in Jim Fetzer's box of assorted wing nuts.
Apparently, her arrest detailed above, was a catalyst. After her arrest, she reached out to Uncle Fetzer causing him to change his schedule and put Ms. Carnes on his internet show...
You can listen here:
Coupled with her appearance was her initial entry in her Sandy Hoaxer Manifesto on Fetzer's blog, where Ms. Carnes showed us her Raff*-Sink-like photo skills, which I covered here...
I had a link to Ms. Carnes' blog, Newtown Rooster, but something happened. Since that posting, Ms. Carnes' blog has changed addresses. Here is what I found when I went to the link I posted in my F.A.R.T. blog....
(I've since corrected the dead link in my previous blog post)
Ms. Carnes has a new article on Uncle Fetzer's blog as well as her own...
She's upped the ante as a full fledged Sandy Hooker....
You can take a gander here:
Let's dissect her second entry into her Sandy Hoaxer Manifesto...
I'm not going to link to Fetzer's blog or her efforts. You can follow the link from her blog.
Ms. Carnes continues...
We'll get to her most serious concerns in a moment. Ms. Carnes has a pretty large list of claims in her post, all apparently based on recent information. I think she's being a little disingenuous. Ms. Carnes mentioned in her Bitchute appearance on Fetzer's show that she was aware of Fetzer and Wolfgang Halbigs claims in their huge best-seller bag-O-crap. Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. But not all of her claims comes from them (kinda sorta). At the bottom of her blog post is this....
Clicking on that link takes you to this article by some Rambo-for-hire named Dan Erber....
Clicking on that link takes you to this article by some Rambo-for-hire named Dan Erber....
If you read Erber's drivel, you find yourself thinking 'Where have I read this before?' read it in Wolfgang Halbig's bag-O-crap.....
So we have Carnes quoting Erber quoting Halbig as they all criticize the Sandy Hook Report issued by the State of Connecticut. It's amazing how high you can pile manure.
In a bit, I'm going to show excerpts from various documents contained in the Final Report by the State of Connecticut regarding the Sandy Hook Event. I am also providing a link to the report where you can download all of the documents.
Let's jump from the Halbig/Erber/Sandy Hoax circle jerk, to Ms. Carnes' grave concerns....
For some reason, this seems to be a huge concern among the Sandy Hookers. Halbig, Fetzer and others seem to think that everything hinged on a medivac helicopter being on the scene. The main problem with this is that other than the four people transported to the hospital by ambulance, everyone else was dead. There were only two children found wounded in the rooms full of dead bodies and they were transported to the hospital.
I'm not sure sure if Sandy Hookers understand the phrase "active shooter event". The law enforcement personnel that arrived on scene had to set up perimeter protection, access the building, search for person or persons shooting both inside and outside the building, secure areas, triage multiple victims and evacuate any wounded they found. They did that. It doesn't happen in seconds let alone minutes. For some reason, rationality is the first victim of Sandy Hookers.
Ms. Carnes continues.....
In concern #2, Ms. Carnes' is simply parroting Erber's tripe....
Erber is just an idiot with an over-inflated ego. This isn't the Marines storming the beach. No law enforcement agency is going to send unarmed EMS personnel into an active shooter scene until the site is secure. At 9:46:38, the site was unsecured. Erber doesn't go into detail as to what takes place in the next 5 minutes but what arm chair quarterback would? Multiple groups were already inside the school searching for suspects. The fire truck he mentions in the 3rd sentence of his bloviation doesn't arrive until 10:08:52. Adam Lanza (unidentified at this point) is found at 9:51:31 and Newtown Officer Smith radios in....(below is a partial transcript of the Newtown PD radio traffic)I'm not sure sure if Sandy Hookers understand the phrase "active shooter event". The law enforcement personnel that arrived on scene had to set up perimeter protection, access the building, search for person or persons shooting both inside and outside the building, secure areas, triage multiple victims and evacuate any wounded they found. They did that. It doesn't happen in seconds let alone minutes. For some reason, rationality is the first victim of Sandy Hookers.
Ms. Carnes continues.....
In concern #2, Ms. Carnes' is simply parroting Erber's tripe....
Report Book 4 Document 00179629 |
Ms. Carnes continues....
In the above, Ms. Carnes just breaks down Erber's crap into two sections. Both of them are not only incorrect in their claims about protocols but also go the extra mile to throw in some bizarre bullshit about saving organs. Where in the fuck does anybody come up with some proposed requirement to save organs, from kids with multiple gunshot wounds from a .223 Bushmaster rifle? Who the fuck has a warped enough mind to think this shit up? Rhetorical question, I know.....
For the record, there were a couple of law enforcement officers in the groups doing the room to room searches, that were certified EMTs. A third one was a Registered Nurse. Other officers used their basic first aid training to check vitals. As each group doing the room to room search entered each room, they checked for survivors. More than one group entered each room where there were victims. The victims were checked for vital signs multiple times before the actual pronouncement of death by Director of Danbury EMT, Paramedic Matthew Cassevechia, and two tactical Paramedics, John Reed and Bernie Meehan. Cassevechia arrived on site about 10:00 a.m., maintained phone contact with the Hospital and operated as the senior medical person on scene. The paramedics triaged the casualties operating on the legal authority granted by Dr. Pat Broderick, Danbury Hospital.
As a former Combat Medic in the U. S. Army, let me make it simple for all those people getting hung up on organ saviors and protocols and blah blah blah and explain the triage system. You find a victim and you check for a pulse, while checking for the pulse you look for a raising chest and place your ear close to their mouth and nose for signs of respiration. Now they have fancy flow charts....
Now for you especially hard headed Sandy Hookers, let me simplify things....
Do you understand dead yet? If not, there's no hope so let's move on. Everything described up until this point was going on under the threat of an active shooter in or around the school. Even though one shooter was found dead in room #10, law enforcement was operating under the premise of a possible second (or more) shooter. The scene was not secure.
Ms. Carnes continues....
In Ms. Carnes' excerpt above, her quote contradicts her claim. Guerra doesn't mention Cario by name. Minor detail that doesn't mean much. So, let's look at Cario's actual statement and you decide if he was more concerned with photographing children than trying to save them...
Cario's statement is found in Book 6 Document #00026724. You can right click on the image, click view item, then hold the Ctrl button and hit the + button to enlarge...
If you have nothing better to do than criticize the actions of Sgt. Cario, you need to get a life. The man is one of several that should be commended for their actions that day.
But let's move on. Ms. Carnes' next grave concern...
The first document listed in the above section (Book 6 Document #00151276) consists of a Connecticut State Police (CSP) report form describing a cover letter from the ATF, a one page summary and narrative and an ATF report sheet. In the summary and narrative, you will find the following.....
It's true that Lanza shot himself. What's not true is that he encountered two Newtown Police Officers when he existed room #10. Based on the gunshots heard on the 911 calls made by persons in the school, dash cam videos and radio transmissions, it was determined that Lanza shot himself approximately one minute after the arrival of law enforcement on scene. He may have seen the first two officers arrive in the parking lot through the class room windows, but officers had not entered the school when the last recorded pistol shot was heard.
The second document listed above (Book 8 Document #00188555) consists of a CSP report sheet and a 28 page report from the Hoboken, New Jersey Police Department describing their activities in taking Ryan Lanza into custody on the afternoon of Dec. 14th. The Hoboken PD report begins with data that was entered into the computer when they received a call from the Connecticut State Police.
As seen here....
I'm not sure why this is such a concern to Ms. Carnes. The report issued by the State of Connecticut contains thousands of pages of reports, exhibits, witness statements etc. and there are going to be inconsistencies between some items relayed and recalled in such a chaotic environment. It's as if she wants this one inconsistency to be the reason to call the entire event into question.
She continues....
Sgt. Kullgren, Officer Chapman and Officer Smith arrived at the same time, heard gunfire and proceeded to the front of the school. Chapman states that the last shot he heard while advancing toward the school, using parked vehicles for cover, was a single pistol shot (this shot was picked up on recorded active 911 calls and dash cam videos). There was a radio broadcast by an officer on the east side of the building, that he had an unidentified man in custody. Sgt. Kullgren peeled off and headed down the east side of the building to help the officer on that side. Chapman and Smith went around the west side of the building. When they reached the south side and made eye contact with an officer there, they proceeded back to the front (north) side of the building.
While those three checked the perimeter of the school, Officer Penna, Lt. Venghele and Sgt. Bahamonde enter a door on the west side of the building and worked their way through the boiler room, kitchen and cafeteria then exited into the hall at the lobby. While they were in the lobby, Chapmand and Smith arrived back at the front entrance.
Sgt. Cario arrived with Lt. Hofbauer and Msgt. Davis. Like the others before them, they worked their way to the front entrance, using the cars in the parking lot for cover. They entered and joined the others in the lobby area. From Cario's statement...
Cario doesn't say who spoke. He quotes two statements; 1. they are dead, 2. it's been quiet about 5 minutes. There were several radio broadcasts relaying the term 5 minutes which was told to dispatchers by people making 911 calls. None of the reports covering any of the statements by anyone else in this group makes mention of the shooter ducking into a classroom. None. Lanza was dead before law enforcement entered the building.
Ms. Carnes then makes a flat out false statement..."This five-minute gap of no action by the Newtown Police in which the shooter was still alive is also confirmed in the above-referenced ATF statement (CSP File #00188555 Page 6 of PDF) by Investigating Officer Warren Hyatt and Primary Daniel Jewiss who noted, "...male was fatally wounded by police on scene."
Firstly, the ATF letter does not mention a five minute gap of no action. Anywhere. The latter part of her statement has the document link for the Hoboken PD reports about Ryan Lanza being taken into custody in New Jersey.
Officer Chapman makes reference to the last gunshot in his narrative about heading to the front of the building. After checking the west side, returning to the front and then the lobby, five minutes until Cario takes up a position behind them in the lobby, would not be far fetched.
Ms. Carnes then takes time for a little rant.....
Long answer.....shut the fuck up you insufferable, 7 year after the fact, non report reading, Fetzer echoing asshat.
Maybe it's time for a petition to ban this Fetzerette from the web.
The entire Sandy Hook Hoax has been completely debunked for years now. Jim Fetzer has been successfully sued for his defamation of Leonard Pozner. Alex Jones is going through the process now. It's understandable to have some questions about what took place that tragic day in Newtown. But Rebecca Carnes is making accusations in her internet appearances about people "in the loop", whatever the hell that means. I think her actions are pretty despicable when you take into consideration that the information is readily available for her to answer her own questions without stooping the level of Fetzer , Wolfgang Halbig or Dan Erber.
You can download the report and read for yourself. As a guide I would suggest the work of this person:
Or this one:
It was love at first Skype for the septuagenarian and the Newtown mom!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL....I think you nailed it!