It took a couple of years but the result was well worth the wait. Jim Fetzer, as any regular visitor to F.A.R.T. knows, lost in a civil suit brought on by Leonard Pozner after Fetzer accused him of posting a fake death certificate for his son Noah. Noah was one of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting perpetrated by Adam Lanza just a week before Christmas in 2012 (December 14th to be exact).
Fetzer spent a couple of years pontificating that the entire Sandy Hook ordeal was fake. His claim that no one died at Sandy Hook became the title of his book on the ordeal. Fetzer would take every opportunity to promote his position and even got a little cocky about the situation....
Screen capture from Kevin Barrett's Patreon page |
One should be careful what they wish for.... 7 months later, Lenny Pozner did just that. If you would like to hear two educated idiots discuss the situation prior to Mr. Pozner kicking Fetzer's ass in court to the tune of $1.1 million and change....go here: Kevin Barrett's Truth Gee Hod
Lenny Pozner won a summary judgement against Fetzer. Fetzer appealed. Lenny Pozner had a jury award him $450,00 for damages. Fetzer appealed. Lenny Pozner had the court award him $650,000 for attorney fees because Fetzer was found in contempt of court twice for giving copies of confidential deposition material to among others, a disbarred lawyer who in violation of multiple state's laws, helped Fetzer lose his case. Fetzer appealed.
Fetzer loses the first appeal...strike one. Fetzer loses the second appeal....strike two. Fetzer loses the third appeal....he's out.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.....
If you would like to read the actual orders and decisions issued by the Wisconsin Courts, go to this link which is a website put up by Lenny Pozener:
Thanks, B !!