Sunday, August 21, 2016

False's what they do.

Raff* Sink, founder of Oswald's Incompetent Clowns, relies on lies.....

Lovelady was not one of them.

Really? No....Lovelady clearly claimed to be in the Altgens 6 photo. During his testimony, he clearly identified himself in the Altgens photo, indicated where he was in the photo and described his position in the photo.

Next, Raff* claims the following:

We're still waiting for Raff* to produce one witness that claimed to have seen Oswald in the doorway of the TSBD at the time of the shooting but was intimidated by the F.B.I.

In fact we will see in a moment where someone did testify before the Commission and claimed that oswald was captured in Altgens....

I blew that claim out of the water not long ago when I showed how incompetent Jim Marrs  is....

The Warren Commission published the testimony of Oswald's own mother and entered into evidence a copy of Altgens 6 that she brought.

So you see, Raff* Sink cannot function in the JFK world without relying on lies and fantasist ramblings.
It's what he does....

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