Saturday, October 31, 2020

Rebecca's Back...and fails miserably

 Our favorite Sandy Hooker (next to Jim "I owe Lenny a Million $'s" Fetzer) Rebecca Carnes is back with her latest example of Sandy Hook Super Sleuthing......

Rebecca has found a "NEW lie"....wait....I think she means new to her because what she's about to bloviate upon has been around since the Sandy Hook shooting, which was years ago. Not to mention that the subject of her impeccable research skills was covered by Halbig and Fetzer years ago. I think that the reason I get so much joy in covering Rebecca's fuck-ups because she has to be the laziest "researcher" IN DA WORLD....

Here is the link to her blog which has a short video explaining her discovery..

Rebecca's Blog or: How I spent My Covid Vacation

Rebecca has a problem with windows and paper candles. As we see in these caps from her video, she starts by describing the windows that were damaged by shots being fired in the classroom by Adam Lanza. She shows the windows the day after the shooting...

The window in the center of the screencap shows damage from the bullets that hit the glass. Notice that there are no paper candles as seen in the windows to each side.

Next, Rebecca moves to a video shot the night of the shooting and in that video, there are paper candles shown in that particular window...

OH MY GOD! Where did the paper candles go? This has to be proof that the entire shooting episode was faked!!!!!

Not only did Halbig and Fetzer try to make a big deal about the same thing years ago, but it was debunked repeatedly by most everyone and their brother. The candles were taken down the next day when the crime scene investigators started working on reproducing the shot trajectories of the bullets fired by Adam Lanza.

If you notice in the second screen shot I provide, you can see the pink straws the crime scene investigators shoved through the holes in the window casing to show the direction of the bullet exiting the class room.

Here's a link to Sandy Hook Facts, that debunked this whole thing back in 2017... 

On that page is a video that goes through the entire scenario starting at 3 minutes in. Here's the same video on YouTube...

And you thought Ralph Cinque was the worst photo analyst in the world.....

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Carnes isn't very good at this conspiracy stuff.
