Wednesday, March 1, 2017

No it isn't Raff*

Raff* Sink is such a dumbass......just today he posts this...

No Raff*....she was adamant in her testimony that Oswald was wearing a t-shirt.

So were several other people when shown his arrest shirt.

Try again Raff*.


  1. Burt Pete . Theje are a things that you need to learn . The guy you are attacking has a real name. I'ts Ralph Cinque. Or Doctor CInque to you.Show some respect to a doctor. I will not stand idly by and let you attack a man I love and have great admiation for. He's been the most revolutionary researcher this decade and if we had somebody like him years ago the case would've been solved.

    Secondly I can't believe you are still got this blog. Anyone with half a brain now knows it was Oswald in the doorway. Ralph Cinque has shown truckloads of evidence .

    P;.s I"d like to submit my entry into your caption contest. "RALPH CINQUE is a great researcher and Burt Pete is just jealous!!"

    Shut this blog down. Your just embarassing yourself!

    1. Welcome back Willie.

      Thank you for your comments but as usual, you show that you're nothing more than an illiterate asshat.

    2. I guess a blood alcohol level of oh, let's see, .28 ?

      "Half a brain/Half a brain/Half a brain onward"

  2. In the posts of William “Jay” Knowles, one may always count on polished writing, perfect use of English grammar, impeccable spelling, and an elegant turn of the phrase. For example:

    • “Theje are a things that you need to learn .” (sic)

    • “I can't believe you are still got this blog.” (sic)

    • “I'ts Ralph Cinque. Or Doctor CInque to you.” (sic)

    • “Your just embarassing yourself!” (sic)

    Beyond his stellar writing mechanics, Mr. Knowles is also skillful in:

    (1) avoiding hyperbole in his writing (“He's been the most revolutionary researcher this decade”);

    (2) avoiding platitudes (“Show some respect to a doctor”);

    (3) keeping emotion out of his discourse (“I will not stand idly by and let you attack a man I love”); and

    (4) leaving the reader with no doubt about the main point of his sentences (“I can't believe you are still got this blog”).

    This bpete website is dedicated to satire and parody. But in the case of Mr. Knowles, we have one of the Senior Members of the Oswald Innocence Campaign engaged in an act of self-parody.

    A legitimate question to ask is: What was Mr. Knowles smoking when he composed his post?

  3. Its Lovelady in the doorway. Research it yourself and you will see Lovelady like non brainwashed people have since 1963.
