Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ralph says Raff* Is a hair

Raff* Sink is showing more of his incompetence every day. He's decided to double-down on his defense of a Wayne Madsen article that masks a claim by asking a question, namely: Was Senator Ted Cruz's dad passing out fliers with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans?

Raff*, like many of the wingnuts that comprise the JFK playground, takes the question asked by Madsen minus the punctuation to make the claim that it is Senator Cruz's father.

I initially covered the issue here: Hi I'm Raff and I'm an idiot and here: Judyth Very Faker Jumps On The Cruz Bandwagon

The rush to post the story of Papa Cruz is not limited to Raff* and Judyth. Here's a couple of examples...

But in none of these posts have I seen anyone actually point out that the guy in question looks nothing like Ted Cruz's father.

Until I ran across this post by Raff*....

Raff* demanding that someone come clean? Many of us in the blog world have been waiting for Raff* Sink to come clean on several issues, for years. (No one is holding their breath either)

But it was the replies to the above post that got interesting....

The following is absolute proof that Raff* Sink is pulling his entire Oswald is innocent position out of his ass...

You can't use a hairline for identification purposes according to Raff*. They change over time. As do, ears, eyes, noses, mouths and every other damn part of the human anatomy.

But that didn't stop Raff* from using hairlines to make a comparison as he did here....

But let's go back to Raff*'s Facecrook post and specifically this exchange...

Now Raff*, let ME explain how this works.....

You have to point to x feature and demonstrate how they are CLEARLY the same. You haven't done that. EVER! Show precisely how the two people in your collage above have the same nose, eyes, neck, build and cheeks. You have yet to do so.

But Raff* takes it one step further and really tries to hide his stupidity....

Raff* Sink logic....The man on the left and in the middle of the collage have to be the same person because their eyes match better than comparing either of them to Oswald.

Let's A and man B have to be the same because neither matched a third man, man C.

But what about the "slitty eyes" you ask? Well, let me show you Raff*'s slight of hand. Raff bases his claim above that the man on your left has slitty eyes and doesn't look anything like Oswald ,on a small crop of a larger picture....

When you shine a little light on the subject, we find that Oswald's eyes are damn near identical to the unknown man in Raff*'s teeny tiny crop.

Raff* is right in the end though...we have to do the best we can with what we've got.

We have conclusive proof that Raff* Sink is a flaming asshat..........

1 comment:

  1. He is morphing into Jabba, Jr. now. Any conspiracy will do. what an asshat. what a toad.
