Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Raff* Sink Hits The Trifecta !

Raff* Sink has plenty of reason to be proud. He's in the big leagues! He's a full fledged disinfo agent with credentials!

Doesn't he look cute in his weener winner T? It's taken Raff* several years of shillin' and a whole lotta' snake squeezins to get to where he is today. Let's look at Raff*'s achievements...

Raff* wrote an article for his blog and then shoved a copy in the box of every email addy he had. Well one of his fellow Oswald's Incompetent Clowns happen to write for Veterans Today. The #1 disinfo site on the net. Fellow Incompetent Clown Gordon Duff has publicly announced that 80% of what you read on VT is pure unadulterated bullshit and he should know because he then tells you that he's the source for 100% of the bullshit.

Incompetent Clown Ian Greenhalgh, decided to fuck off a writing assignment and just cut and pasted Raff*'s article. Apparently, Ian doesn't have much of a clue when it comes to JFK because he ran the article without checking and finding out that it's complete bunk.
That's right, VT ran a completely bogus story...shocker I KNOW!


Raff*'s crap got picked up by another blog. Raff was so proud he posted this....

One blog does not make "widely on the net" but I won't dull Raff*'s sparkle...


What Raff* doesn't show you in his celebratory crop is this...

A Jewish American, that's right...an American Jew, revealing life in Palestine.....

Palestine was an non-delineated region on a map of the Romans. At the time Palestine was Palestine, it was occupied by the Romans. So much for historical accuracy on the part of the ironically named FlippinTruth Blog.

Raff* hit first place in the first race with his article on VT being regurgitated on a site that dedicates itself to pointing out fantastical accusations against Da Jooooooooos.....

Placement of your article on a Jooooooo bashing site is the crown jewel of tin foil haberdashery.

In second place, in the first race, comes Raff*'s next announcement.....

Did you get that...?

"with all the correct images"....

The reason Raff is excited is because he found out his original article was complete bullshit. He misidentified the main subject of his story. The entire story was wrong.

With the above announcement, Raff* achieved 2/3 of a hat trick by having his second totally inaccurate article reaching Mother Russia.....home in the heart to every wanna-be superspy in Oswald pajamas. Any disinfo troll worth his weight in Spam, owes their ability to publish absolute falsehoods to the old U.S.S.R. and it's various propaganda mills located throughout those countries East of the Iron Curtain. Raff* hit a web site that claims to use alternative sources for Russian news and yet every other story is from TASS or Pravda or RT. Veterans Today has been teamed up with RT for years now. 

And now, Raff*'s third place, in the first race.....

 The #1 bullshit JFK story on the #1 disinfo site on the net.....bet that.

Trifecta achieved.


  1. "Mr. C"………….. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well I sure don't pity this fool. No, it's gone beyond that, B. This asshat belongs in a padded room, next to Judy, Jabba, King, Millegan, Trump(?) et. alia…….
