Noun: 1. The act of making an unfounded or unsubstantiated claim.
2. In philosophy, a method of debate or discussion based of the premise of: I think, therefore I am. I think you're wrong, therefore you are.
3. The act of disagreeing by employing rancor, name calling, ad hominem attacks or straw man argument.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Let's Illustrate Raff*'s Anal*ogy
Sure thing Raff*...
* Not his real name
* A comparison pulled from Raff*'s ass
thought i saw the oic go by/like a runaway truck/across the sky/thought i saw that rig blow up/up into that sky/yet it keeps reappearing/why lord why ?
thought i saw the oic go by/like a runaway truck/across the sky/thought i saw that rig blow up/up into that sky/yet it keeps reappearing/why lord why ?